Looks like Jesus

A characteristic of a mature Christian is seen in whom or what we look like. Someone who "Looks like Jesus" is a person who reflects the character of Christ. What do people see when they look at our lives? Do we look like Jesus or do we look like the devil? Does godliness come forth or does worldliness? Are we marked by selfishness or holiness? The character formed within us is revealed to the world around us through all that we say and do? Thus, the characteristic of looking like Jesus identifies those distinguishing features of a mature Christian that are to be found in those who look like Jesus.
The transformations found in this section develop in us by the work of the Holy Spirit as we submit to God. They don't happen on their own or by chance or in isolation. Rather, they grow in conjunction with all the other characteristics of a mature Christian. There is to be a Christ-likeness to our character that the world cannot refute, control, or kill even though it tries. Becoming a mature Christian involves being transformed into a person who "Looks like Jesus".


Fruit of the Spirit

Set Apart

Armor of God

Ambassador of God's Kingdom

Eternal Perspective

Blameless and Above Reproach

Sin No More

Like Our Teacher