Time with Jesus

How we spend our time shows the path we are following. Christian maturity is developed in us as we spend "Time with Jesus". Do we make spending time with Jesus our highest priority? If we are to grow in the knowledge and love of Christ and learn to live as Christ directs, then we have to spend time with him.
What we spend our time thinking about, talking about, and doing reveals what is important to us. Time reveals what our priorities really are. If we claim to be a mature Christian, our claim is shown to be authentic in part by looking at how we spend our time. Mature Christians view their time not solely as their own, but as ultimately belonging to the Lord. Thus, we spend time doing what Christ would have us do. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we invest time in sharing the gospel and meeting the needs of others. We live this life for the glory and honor of God. A mature Christian spends time with the Lord Jesus Christ because we love him and trust him. Sadly, there are people who attend a church, and view themselves as Christians, who do not spend much time, if any, with Christ.
Let's explore the transformations that take place in how we use our time as we grow in Christian maturity. The shift in how we use our time happens as we grow in our knowledge and love of God. We cannot simply will ourselves to change how we view and use our time. When we focus on Christ and walk in the Spirit, Christ who abides in us, enables us to have a Christ-like focus in our use of time. It is by our being in Christ that our heart is changed, which shows up in how we use our time. We want to spend "Time with Jesus" and his people.

Discovering God's Will

Submitting to the Lord

Trusting the Lord

Spiritual Disciplines

Fellowship Through Prayer

Fellowship Through Scripture

Fellowship in Worship

Doing Life Together

Time Does Tell